Knave 2e News
Are you a solo player? The Dungeon Dive and Geek Gamers examine the game from a single-person perspective.
At Questing Beast, I give a demonstration on how the random tables can be used to generate traps, spells, and monsters.
DM Tales, Agranak Studios, and Explorer’s Design review the book!
On DriveThruRPG, the game becomes a Platinum bestseller!
RPG Reviews
Ten Foot Pole gives “The Best” to two adventures: Bastard King of Thraxford Castle and The House Under the Moondial. From the Thraxford Castle review:
This is what you were looking for. When you are digging through adventure, browning, looking for something good, hoping to find that hidden gem. This is it. It does exactly what one would hope to find in a small digest adventure.
Dreams in the Lich House reviews two adventures: Strict Time Records Must be Kept and The God That Crawls, with summaries of how his players handled them! From the second review:
I never ran this one years ago when it first came out, and wasn't sure how the whole "chased by a monster in a maze" would play out at the table. It worked remarkably well in actual play and wasn't hard to manage as the referee. I don't think I gave it enough credit back in the day, and we truly had a grand time. Most classic D&D or fantasy game adventures fall short when it comes to mazes and getting lost, but James Raggi did a fine job with maze construction on The God That Crawls and designing an interesting setting around it.
The Pastel Dungeon gives some initial impressions of the tarot-based dungeon crawler His Majesty the Worm.
Playful Void examines To Put Away a Sword by Zedeck Siew and Into the Antlion’s Den by Samantha Leigh.
Dungeon Craft reviews the Tomb of Horrors and how his party conquered it (they sound like a phenomenal group). Lots of YouTubers added their two cents to the video, including some criticisms of the dungeon by me at the end. My biggest problem is that it’s an adventure where the optimal strategy is not to interact with anything or try to think through the puzzles it puts in front of you, which is the opposite of how I like to play.
And Now A Word From Our Sponsors…
Discover Miami 86 RPG, a thrilling new TTRPG inspired by Miami Vice, Scarface, and Vice City. Follow now to get the Solo Adventure Pamphlet for free!
Spectacular Shops & Services 2 (5E) offers drop-in ready shops, inns, taverns, and services that save GMs prep time. With evocative descriptions, captivating NPCs, and unique items and quests, shopping has never been this fun! Visit the campaign to download a free sample of “Dreadful Things”, a cursed magic item shop.
Victoriana for 5th Edition live on Kickstarter here - Join your association to hunt London’s deadliest creatures, infiltrate secret societies, and protect the city from otherworldly threats – just don’t forget to stop for tea along the way!
Have an upcoming Kickstarter or an RPG project you want to promote? Advertise in The Glatisant (19,000+ subscribers) using this form. If you want to send me books for review consideration on Questing Beast, mail them to Ben Milton, 6446 E Central Ave, Box #127, Wichita, KS, USA 67206.
I’ll be at GenCon this year! If you want to say hi or get something signed, I’ll be on the Hack With Impunity panel (with Professor Dungeon Master, Bob Worldbuilder, Baron DeRopp, Kelsey Dionne, and Justin Alexander).
Mazirian’s Garden discusses the future of the Through Ultan’s Door zine.
Pam Walls Game Design investigates a controversy around Meeples in the board game world.
Awesome Lies shows the development of the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay logo over the years.
Rhystic Studies looks at the history of Magic: The Gathering’s old mascot.
Rules, Theory and Advice
My favorite post this month was from Mythic Mountains Musings: What I would do differently as a new Classic Traveller Referee
Explorer’s Design: The 1 HP Dragon
Luke Gearing: You Don’t Need Hooks, You Have Been Lied To
Silverarm: Put Your RPG Campaign on a Deadline (It’ll Be Okay.)
Rise Up Comus: Everybody wants to be initiated, nobody wants to be tricked
Sirly Whirly Blog: One campaign, many GMs, no bookkeeping
Mythlands: On the Virtues of Descending AC
The Pastel Dungeon: Doors, Gates, and Metroidvania Dungeon Design
Kelsey Dionne walks through how to run Shadowdark solo.
At Questing Beast, I look at some of the problems I have with metacurrencies in RPGs
A fantastic post from False Machine on Dragon psychology: A friendless, fingerless mind
False Machine: The World of 100 Wonders
Excellent location concept from Goodberry Monthly: City of the Siege
Dice in the North: Experiment: The Tower That Follows You
Dungeonfruit: Human After All (20 Ways To Achieve Immortality)
Reversing their magic polarity. Damaging magic heals them and vice versa. They get into many fights with unsuspecting wizards to keep their health.
Trapping themselves in their reflection. Their body is gone, but they can travel between mirrors where Death cannot get them and interact with objects shown in mirrors.
Creating a catchy song - secretly a ritual. When sung, it increases the wizard's lifespan by a negligible amount - with many people singing it this turns into a massive increase in life.
Dungeonfruit: We Evaporate (30 Spells & Designing Interesting Spells)
Quest Maker: A World Not Desperate to Explain Itself
Dungeon Masterpiece: Kraken Geopolitics, EXPLAINED!
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