Welcome to The Glatisant, Questing Beast’s monthly newsletter. You can read previous issues here and submit advertisements to the newsletter here. Subscribe for free to get new issues in your inbox, or support the newsletter on Patreon or Substack.
The pre-orders for Knave 2e are open over at Backerkit! If you missed out on the original Kickstarter, now’s the time to order a copy.
There’s a big Halloween sale at DriveThruRPG and Humble Bundle right now. Check out my top picks here.
All the issues of Wyrd Science are currently free.
OSE has released a free Necromancer class.
At Ten Foot Pole, Bryce gives declares The Well of Frogs to be “The Best.”
Truly a great adventure. It feels like an OD&D adventure. It feels like a city adventure. It feels like a place and it’s full, to the brim, with idiosyncratic things. Never going gonzo, ot’s just that sly grin to the writing style that brings the thing to life. Very nearly the platonic ideal of adventure writing.
Playful Void reviews A Rasp of Sand, a Knave campaign set in an ocean-themed dungeon.
If you’re looking for an all-in-one dungeon delve that you can play consistently with minimal prep, a Rasp of Sand is for you. Just keep in mind that you need a table that is happy with high lethality, cautious play (if they want to progress), and that aren’t adverse to an expectation of not playing the same characters necessarily for the entire campaign.
Jorphdan’s Jocular Junction reviews my game Maze Rats.
Geek Gamers reviews Monsters, Aliens, and Holes in the Ground, a new guide to roleplaying games.
RPG Retro Reviews looks at the new edition of Swords and Wizardry by Matt Finch.
At Questing Beast, I reviewed the Hexcrawl Toolbox as well as The Yellow Book of Brechewold, a dungeon themed around The Once and Future King.
And Now A Word From Our Sponsors…
Terror of the Stratosfiend : Cycle of the Snake-Wolf 3 is a 400 page paranoid adventure for Dungeon Crawl Classics. An endless dive into a Mega-Dungeon—chasing a man who dared to touch a God. Wrapped in a Conspiracy that grows as the world becomes less rational. Follow the Kickstarter Now!
Doomsong: Lord Have Mercy Upon us is a Roleplay Macabre inspired by the biblical apocalypse and illustrated by the incomparable Moritz Krebs. Check it out, live on Kickstarter now! Dare you enter the Plaguescape and destroy the Lamentide of Pestilence?
The ENNIE award winning, classic OSR hex-crawl adventure Fever Swamp is coming back to print! Luke Gearing (Gradient Descent, Acid Death Fantasy, The Isle) and Andrew Walter (Fronds of Benevolence, Slipgate Chokepoint, Dolmenwood) have returned to make the swamp bigger, better, and danker than ever. Ending on Kickstarter soon!
Loremaster is an FKR RPG tailored so you can focus on playing the world, not the rules. Dive in historical mass battles, medieval fantasy dungeon delving, or sci-fi spaceship dogfights. Players will feel the game adapts to any level realism desired. Wish to become a better player? Read more fiction.
Planar Compass issue 3 welcomes you to Ordo, the plane of Law and Time! Discover the home of the mysterious Chanicoids and find out what is at the heart of their theocratic empire. Designed for Old-School Essentials, it features new classes, divine law and time spells, monsters, dungeons, and more!
Have an upcoming Kickstarter or an RPG project you want to promote? Advertise in The Glatisant (18,000+ subscribers) using this form.
The Isle of Dread and The D&D Expert Set now have Print-on-Demand options over at DriveThruRPG.
Chris McDowall has released a free Quickstart PDF for Mythic Bastionland.
The book that created the 40K universe, Rogue Trader, is available in print-on-demand until November 6th.
There’s a B/X hexcrawling encounter generator on Perchance.
Eldritch Fields has released a free, three-level dungeon.
Dungeon Masterpiece examines the effect that Baldur’s Gate could have on WotC’s upcoming virtual tabletop.
Podcasts and Interviews
The Alexandrian has a series of videos reading through and explaining Original D&D. A great series if you are new to OSR play.
GGNORE has a new episode where players have to guess the edition of D&D based on quotes from various core books.
The Into the Megadungeon podcast continues with interview with Nick L.S. Whelan and Luke Gearing.
Dieku Games interviews Jeffery Talanian, creator of the Hyperborea RPG.
If you have about 4 hours to kill, The Bard recently did an in-depth analysis of the Art of Warhammer on his Twitch. Gets going at 34:50.
Filmdeg Miniatures interviews Rick Priestly on the first three editions of Warhammer Fantasy Battles.
Eric’s Hobby Workshop delves into Inquisitor, a discontinued 40K game that has since been revived by the Inq28 scene.
Jordan Sorcery investigates the origins of Space Hulk, 40K’s best game.
Rules, Advice, and Theory
Bastionland: Opt-In Creativity
Rise Up Comus: His Majesty the Work Deep Dive: Speedbumps and Tarot
All Dead Generations: Dungeon Skirmishing
Sam Sorensen: New Simulationism
Mindstorm: Under the Hood of the Garden Wall
Liche’s Libram: Antiblorb (Blorb + Anticanon)
From the Sorcerer’s Skull: The Adventure-Point Crawl Campaign
The Mad Queen’s Court: On Game Design, I Suppose: Big and Little Distinctions and How Much Space a TTRPG Has for Them
Mythlands of Erce: Ability Score Improvements have been a terrible addition to D&D and How Difficulty Class and the D20 engine ruined roleplaying
GDC: Failing to Fail: The Spiderweb Software Way. This is probably the best talk I’ve seen from GDC, and very applicable to indie RPG creators.
The Restless Technophile: A 20th-Century Society on a Ringworld
Monsters and Manuals: On Heterogenous Imperial Armies and Orcs as a Concept
The Nothic’s Eye: Dread Thirteen (A Setting Tonepost)
Wizard in the Lighthouse: d100 things a monster can threaten that aren’t your life
Trilemma Adventures: A Downtime Calendar
Paper Elemental: Wandering Titans, part IV
Necromancer Killed Our Master Club: Weapons of less destruction
Mazirian’s Garden: Naugomancy (Wreckcraft)
Power Pak: MyHouse.WAD - Inside Doom’s Most Terrifying Mod. This one’s a must-watch.
That’s it for this month, see you in the next one! This newsletter makes use of affiliate links, which help support Questing Beast at no cost to you.